想要訂墾丁恆春鎮的3臥室整棟房子 - 35平方公尺/2間專用衛浴 (WildTrack Studio-Handmade Hostel)當然是找最便宜的訂房網站

如果你怕訂不到墾丁恆春鎮的3臥室整棟房子 - 35平方公尺/2間專用衛浴 (WildTrack Studio-Handmade Hostel)

或者想找墾丁恆春鎮的3臥室整棟房子 - 35平方公尺/2間專用衛浴 (WildTrack Studio-Handmade Hostel)附近的旅館比較的話


墾丁恆春鎮的3臥室整棟房子 - 35平方公尺/2間專用衛浴 (WildTrack Studio-Handmade Hostel)

商品網址: https://goo.gl/hnoVGu

商品網址: https://goo.gl/hnoVGu



關於恆春鎮的3臥室整棟房子 - 35平方公尺/2間專用衛浴


[WildTrack Studio-Handmade Hostel] is our music, movie, diet and life attitude extension. From decorating the shop to cooking, since there is not too much money to support it, and it is also a concept of hand-making and environmental protection, we can do it by ourselves, but also because we are novices in woodworking, hydropower and cooking, It took quite a long time to explore and experiment with them. However, many links (Globalization & Food & Environment & Creation) were recognized during the preparation of the weeds, and our life on 'Peace with Nature' the way.

Of course, our hostel is not gorgeous, but the table, shelves, paint, decorating, cooking ....... We are all step by step, reuse of waste recycling materials, hand-made works ;by the way, the table-care wood oil is our made it also).

'Symbiosis with Nature' is the attitude of the weaver. We are a very inefficient team, but this is the way we want to try and you are welcome to come and join us slowly breathe, slowly eat, slowly enjoy.


  • 【提醒您】加床規定依房型而異,請查看各房型的可入住人數限制了解詳細規定。



墾丁恆春鎮的3臥室整棟房子 - 35平方公尺/2間專用衛浴 (WildTrack Studio-Handmade Hostel)

商品網址: https://goo.gl/hnoVGu



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